sharing your stories and remembering your children
By: Nick Carrington EPLA Editor In 2021, the EPLA took many steps toward accomplishing some long-term goals. We moved into a new building that will allow us to store more materials, pack more miscarriage kits, and eventually expand our services. We provided hundreds of miscarriage kits to suffering families and other organizations that could distribute them. And with your generous donations, we were able to hire a part-time employee to help us be more efficient. But as a new year commences, we remain committed to our founding goal: that no family suffers miscarriage alone. Since the beginning of the EPLA, we have maintained the same core values: AFFIRMING LIFE Early pregnancy loss is the loss of a unique and infinitely valuable life, often bringing great grief to women and families as they suffer this loss. BEARING BURDENS Women and families experiencing early pregnancy loss are carrying the weight of death. In isolation, this weight seems too great for one to bear. But together, when we carry one another's burdens, the weight is eased by making room for peace and hope. LOVING PEOPLE Early pregnancy loss brings anger, confusion, frustration, and sorrow. These emotions can lead to both emotional sensitivity and a hardening heart in order to cope with the grief. To meet their unique needs during this time, women and families will be treated in a loving, nurturing, and respectful way. ENCOURAGING COMMUNITY Together we can do more. To better bear the burdens of women and families, a variety of organizations and professionals can work together to meet these needs. Medical professionals, counselors, churches, and related non-profits all offer unique services to help ease the emotional, psychological, and financial burden of early pregnancy loss. GRIEVING TOGETHER Because of the hushed culture concerning pregnancy loss, many women do not know how to understand their heartache. Everyone grieves differently, and, though common, early pregnancy loss is an intensely personal experience. Whether they choose to grieve publicly or privately, women and families need a safe environment to experience grief. By acknowledging the frequency of early pregnancy loss and recognizing it as a death, families are granted space to grieve. In 2022, we ask that you come alongside us, affirming these values, and if possible, helping us serve suffering families. You can donate to the EPLA, volunteer your time or expertise, or write a piece for our blog. And as always, if you know someone who could use a miscarriage kit, please let us know. Nick Carrington is an Editor for the EPLA and Associate Professor of Professional Writing at Cedarville University
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December 2023